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What we do?

In our laboratory, which was founded in 1992, coatings are used in various fields ranging from biomedical to aerospace fields by using Thermal Spray technology. However, tests and analyzes are performed with the help of various devices.

Hydroxyapatite Coating Samples


Thermal Spray Technologies Research and Application Laboratory (TESLAB), which has been operating since 1992 at Sakarya University, has grown into a leading facility in the Thermal Spray Technologies field with the projects received from SPO, TÜBİTAK and other public institutions since 2007. TESLAB makes coatings using Thermal Spray technologies in a wide range of areas from biomedical to aerospace.

TESLAB serves as a material and venue for many courses within the Faculty of Engineering at Sakarya University. It is a large team with Assist., Assoc., Specialist, Technician and Project Assistant students around Prof. Dr. Fatih ÜSTEL, he is the founder.

While training activities continue in the laboratory, applications are made for both laboratory personnel and other academic community. Applications include coating services, testing / analysis services and characterization services. Our laboratory has proved itself with many completed and ongoing projects. Some of our completed and ongoing projects;

Project Foundation Project Name Budget Situation
Kalkınma Bakanlığı İn Vivo Uygulamaları İçin Ortopedik İmplant Kaplamalarının Üretim Tesisinin Kapasite Artırımı ve Modernizasyonu ₺2.400.000 Completed (2018)
Bilim, Teknoloji ve Sanayi Bakanlığı (San-Tez) Otomobil Tampon Boya Hatlarında Plazma Yüzey Aktivasyonu ile Yüzey Enerjisinin Kontrolü ve Plazma Teknolojisinin Uygulama Potansiyelinin Araştırılması ₺500.000 Completed (2016)
Bilim, Teknoloji ve Sanayi Bakanlığı (San-Tez) Düşük Basınçlı Döküm Kalıpları İçin Poteyaj Uygulamasına Alternatif Termal Sprey Yöntemleri ile Termal Bariyer Kaplama Uygulaması ₺280.000 Completed (2015)
Sakarya University (BAPK) Vücut İçin HA Esaslı İmplant ve Protez Kaplamalarının Atmosferik Plazma Sprey Teknolojisiyle Üretiminin Taguchi ile Simülasyonu ve Karakterizasyonu ₺65.000 Completed (2012)
Sakarya University (BAPK) İmplantların Hidroksi-Apatit ile Kaplanması ve Karakterizasyonu ₺24.000 Completed (2011)
TÜBİTAK Kesici Karbür Uçlarının Pirometalurjik Yolla Geri Kazanımı ve Kaplama Uygulamalarında Kullanım Potansiyelinin Araştırılması ₺240.000 Completed (2010)
State Planning Organization Gaz Türbinlerinde Kullanılan Termal Bariyer Kaplamalarının (TBK) Alternatif Hibrid Kaplama Teknolojisi ile Üretimi ve Geliştirilmesi ₺2.220.000 Completed (2007)



Our laboratory, which provides services for commercial purposes as well as educational and academic purposes, has initiated the efforts to obtain quality certificates in order to certify the quality of the studies carried out in the biomedical field in which it concentrates its activities and has taken steps in this direction. In this context, TS EN ISO 13485: 2016-Medical Devices Quality Management System has been agreed on the provision of the document. Our laboratory, which passed the first stage in June 2014 and the second stage in October 2014, was awarded TS EN ISO 13485: 2016-Medical Devices Quality Management System certificate. In 2018, the certificate was renewed.
